.Net Core

Learn how to modernize your .NET apps from the pros! - .NET Blog
We’ve got some great new resources to help you modernize your .NET apps, from intro videos and hands on modules to deep dive walkthroughs.

Learn HTML5 and CSS3 For Beginners - Crash Course

Build Your First Web Application with ASP.NET Core 3.1
The ASP.NET Core 3.1 workshop teaches you how to build your first application using a microservice architecture, view models, and razor pages.
Entity Framework Best Practices - Should EFCore Be Your Data Access of Choice?
Entity Framework is an amazing set of tooling around data access. With EFCore, that tooling becomes even more powerful. So why is it that I still don’t recom...
Tutorial: Build gRPC & OData in ASP.NET Core
Introduction gRPC (google Remote Procedure Call) is a high-performance remote procedure call framework that helps developers to build and consume remote services using the same way as calling local APIs. Different from gRPC, OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS standard that defines a set of best…
Install .NET Core on Linux Distributions
Learn about what Linux distributions support installing .NET Core on Linux.
Containerize an app with Docker tutorial - .NET Core
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to containerize a .NET Core application with Docker.
Get started using VS Code with Windows Subsystem for Linux
Learn how to set up VS Code to author and debug code using the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Docker Hub

.Net Docker Images

Introduction to Docker - .NET Core
This article provides an introduction and overview to Docker in the context of a .NET Core application.
JWT Auth in ASP.NET Core
We will build an ASP.NET Core web API application using JWT auth, and an integration testing project for login, logout, refresh token, impersonation, authentication, and authorization.
Strategy Pattern in ASP.NET Core
Learn how to implement Strategy Design Pattern in ASP.NET Core to dynamically switch between the family of multiple algorithms at runtime.

C# Specification

Lambda expressions - C# Programming Guide
Learn about lambda expressions. There are expression lambdas that have an expression as its body, or statement lambdas that have a statement block as its body.
Action<T> Delegate (System)
Encapsulates a method that has a single parameter and does not return a value.
Create a .NET Core application with plugins - .NET Core
Learn how to create a .NET Core application that supports plugins.
Introduction to the MVVM Toolkit - Community Toolkits for .NET
An overview of how to get started with the MVVM Toolkit and to the APIs it contains


React integration for ASP.NET MVC | ReactJS.NET
.NET integration for ReactJS
The .NET Portability Analyzer - .NET
Learn how to use the .NET Portability Analyzer tool to evaluate how portable your code is among the various .NET implementations, including .NET Core, .NET Standard, UWP, and Xamarin.
A command line C# REPL with syntax highlighting – explore the language, libraries and nuget packages interactively.


The Complete Guide to Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 - SitePoint
Craig Buckler walks you through how to install, manage, and use a full Linux environment on your Windows 10 PC with WSL2.